Super Market Tours

In order to eat healthy, you need to have healthful food readily available. This might sound simple and obvious, but it is far easier said than done.

In order to eat healthy, you need to have healthful food readily available. This might sound simple and obvious, but it is far easier said than done.


First, figuring out what is healthful is a challenge. Food labels are often confusing if not downright misleading.  Secondly, healthful foods are usually more expensive than their less healthful counterparts. Compare the price of whole wheat bread to white bread.  Finally, even if you knew what to look for, and are willing to pay for it, actually finding the right food can be a daunting task.


Global Health and Nutrition Consults offers customized grocery tours. During these tours we can help you identify opportunities to buy healthful foods at reasonable prices. Here is a hint: the local farmers markets. We also teach you to read food labels so that you can understand serving size and identifying ingredients such as trans-fat and sodium nitrite which can be harmful to your health. This would allow you to better compare different brands of the same food. As a general rule, the more healthful food has less salt, less fat, less sugar and no preservative.


Half the battle of eating right is shopping right. Call Global Health and Nutrition Consults to help you fight that battle.

and, therefore, lives well.

2008 Eastview Parkway, Suite 410
Conyers, GA 30013

Phone: 678-616-1197
Fax: 678-616-1199